Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 10: St Céré to Figeac. - 48 kms

A short day in kilometres, but it's all up or down today.

We started with a tough 6 km climb. Fortunately we got away pretty early as it was going to be a hot day. The other good thing about many of the climbs we have done so far on this trip it that they have been largely shaded by trees. It really makes a difference. Today there was pretty well no flat, or flatish, at all. Either a stiff climb are a great descent.

At one point coming up the long ascent we stopped for a breather and photos a local bounced up on his unladed road bike, offered to take a picture, took it and quickly headed off back up the hill.

Coming through Leyme, we fell for the trap of leaving the first boulangerie go past us (it was downhill at the time). It turned out that it was the only one in the village. We didn't go back up the hill to stock up.

Lacapelle-Marival looked to be an interesting place. We could not find what we wanted to eat for lunch and we were pointed in the direction of the local restaurant. With no words spoken, food began to appear. Seems like we lined up for 'lunch'. Fortunately it was roast chicken. You could end up with anything in these parts. A couple of hours later (this was a French lunch) we were off again up the hill. For me, the French lunch was not good cycling food and I was soon out of energy. Into my pack for one of my reserve energy gels. This did the trick and we were off again.

On one of the long downhills sections they had just resurfaced the road. This would have been great, except they covered it with heaps of loose gravel. Sometimes we had to go slower that we would have if we were climbing it!

All in all, today was great riding. Some of it true ridge riding with great ling views on either side of the road. Again we rode through different countryside. Today was quite lush and green

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