Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 11: Tour de Faure to Cahors 37 kms

Just a short day today meandering along the Lot River. This was good as the night last night was really hot and humid. Storms are predicted for this morning. It was so humid last night none of our washing dried at all. These last two days have been a great way to close out this chapter of our touring. Today was very scenic with great views of St Cirq Lapopie to start with, then the river and the road winding close together. We road for a short while with a guy from the Netherlands on a recumbent who was on his way home. He expected to be home in about a week. Looked like a very strong rider so I'm sure he will make it. He has ridden from Darwin to Alice Springs.

St-Géry had markets on, so we stopped and brought some fruit and nuts. They have great fruit in France. It is beautifully ripe to eat when you buy it. Great for cycle touring. I believe the French a more in the habit of buying what they need for now and coming back and buying more when they need it.

At Arcambal we headed up the hill and along a little back road for one last view of the magnificent Lot River. Simply stunning.

Coming into Cahors had the feeling that we were coming home and finishing this part of the adventure. We knew the layout of the town and we did not have to look for accommodation as we already had it booked.

We booked the train to Bordeaux and a hotel for tomorrow night, and after the washing was done, we're just having a bit of a rest and planning the next adventure.

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